Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering Group
We conduct research on environmental hydraulics to understand the natural phenomena and thereby develop the technologies for human well-being.
In coastal region, 1) the effect of combination of sea embankment and coastal forest on tsunami reduction, 2) to clarify the reality of the secondary disaster due to drift woods, 3) to propose suitable urban structures for tsunami disaster prevention and 4) to propose a relaxation method for various disturbances acting on the lagoon environment.
Studies on river hydraulics are divided into three regions. They are down, middle, and upstream based upon the characteristics of geographic, hydraulic and environmental conditions of the river. The research in the downstream region: prevention method of bank erosion due to waves induced by ships; in the middle stream region: the management method of river channel and vegetation planning in rivers and its relation to flood characteristics and growth dynamics of river vegetation; in the upstream region: especially the characteristics of the river channel under the dam structure, the relationship between the characteristics of the river bed material and diversity of invertebrates in the low channel are conducted.

FUJINO Takeshi
KOBAYASHI Ken-ichiro
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Senavirathna M.D.H Jayasanka
Assistant Professor